custom facial & brow services / faith-led business coaching


Welcome to Revival B, I am so glad you are here!




Youthful skin doesn't have to come from injections or invasive treatments. Clearer, healthier, and more youthful skin can come from the simplicity of quality skin care and classic treatments. Aging is a privilage, so let's do it with grace (inside and out).



Conveniently treat your skin with LED Therapy in the comfort of your home 


Get youthful and/or clear skin with LED Therapy. LED is proven to build collagen, clear acne, and relieve pain and inflammation to improve the quality of your life. Message me via the link below to find out how you can improve your skin with LED with ease in your own home on your own time. 

Reach Out

I am not against injections. lasers, cosmetic surgery, or invasive treatments but here's the deal... it's a PRIVILAGE to age, so why are we fighting it so hard? We're not robots, we have expression lines. I hope you haven't been living like a shut in, thus, you probably have some sun spots. Perfection is a lie, and it's actually pretty boring if we're being honest so why do we need our lips, crows feet, frown lines etc to look perfect? The world is starting to be full of women who look like Barbie and quite frankly, all like each other! WHY? 

Here's the truth: you are beautiful. You are fearfully and wonderfully made by God in His image! You are precious and honored in His sight. God made you to look uniquely like you for a reason, you don't need to chase looking like someone else. You are beautiful darling! And if we get the privilage of aging and accumulating some fine lines and wrinkles, let's celebrate that and age with grace...

Can I get a "YES AND AMEN"?! 

At Revival B you’ll get:


No judgement. - If you get injections etc, that's ok! I don't care. It's your choice. I am just here to show you how you can have youthful skin without it if you choose, and if you do, what I do at Revival B will just support and enhance those treatments.

No pressure. - I will recommend products to you that I know will help you reach your goals. Whether you choose to use them or not is up to you. 

A renewed mindset. - You don't have to be perfect, a certain age, a certain mom, a social media icon... You are enough just being you! We're gonna do the best we can and truly believe there is no need for striving. 

Quality skincare and expert treatments to fit your lifestyle. - If you like it simple I am not going to recommend a 6 step skincare routine. If you don't have a lot of time I am not going to coax you into a 90 minute treatment. We are going to do what's best for you, not what's best for me. 




Take it from them...

“Beth had done my facials for over 10 years now! She knows my skin better than I do.” 

- J.H.

“I have always struggled with finding a great skincare product. Beth set me up with a simple skincare regimen and I have noticed a huge difference in my skin. I highly recommend Beth for your product needs!” 

- K.W.

"Since I've been seeing Beth, my skin has never looked better than ever! Her attention to detail and care made me feel welcome and comfortable!"

As a skin & brow studio client...
  1. Book your facial or brow treatment
  2. Invest in quality skincare
  3. Enjoy youthful skin and beautiful brows with grace and confidence

- OR -

As a Faith-led entrepreneur...
  1. Invest in 1:1 coaching
  2. Stop hustling and follow Jesus
  3. Experience the peace and joy you've been longing for.

Welcome to revival B Business Coaching   


Helping faith-led entrepreneurs live for Jesus, not success. 


Don't get me wrong, I am not against success, goals or wealth, but has Jesus taken a back seat to them in your heart? I am not judging or condemning you sister, I've been there, and I will probably fight the rest of my life to not go back there... There is peace to replace your anxiety, rest to replace your hustle, and grace to replace your plans. I am here to help you align your life and business with God, follow Him in practical ways, and find strength and purpose. Click the link below for all the details. 


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